Our Vision
Children's Home
Abundant Life Children's Home is a loving and caring place where children can grow and develop. The children come from many backgrounds, all from severe poverty, and many rescued from human trafficking. Some are the children of drug addicts or prostitutes, some are orphans, and some are refugee children. We provide a home with an opportunity for proper education and a safe upbringing. Food, housing, healthcare, clothing, and education are provided. We have a staff of experienced husband/wife teams that live with and care for the children. Children who previously had no hope enjoy a positive environment where dreams and visions come alive.
Food Production
The children are taught how to raise chickens, pigs, and fish as well as grow fruits and vegetables in our garden at the Children's Home. Not only does this help to feed everyone, but it creates an organic fertilizer that is used to grow Temple Veil Coffee. The excess food is then sold, allowing this project to be self-sustainable.